Archive for the Manny Rodriguez Category

Change In Diet

Posted in Health and Fitness, Manny Rodriguez with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 19, 2009 by coachmannybb

Well….I slacked in my fruit and veggie detox diet.

One night when I went to play pickleball I felt at my weakest in energy than I ever felt.  I know why it was.

#1 I hadn’t eaten enough fruits and veggies that day.  I would wait till my stomach and body told me I was NEEDING TO EAT.  Not a good part of the plan. I knew I wasn’t getting enough protein and that had a lot to do with it.  There were things I was missing from my detox diet from the beginning and I had to be careful for that.  I want to live a long time.

I talked with one of my collegiate racquetball players who works at Starbucks about their whey protein and adding it into my coffee and what the best way would be.

He looked at how much protein was in there and so we decided on two scoops of protein power, 3/4 of the cup to be filled with coffee (which is rich in antioxidents), organic soy milk for the 1/4 of cup.  I’m rocking and rolling now.

My daily starbucks expense went up a bit BUT I’ve added a way to get protein and not worry about the type of chicken I’m eating.  Which can be scary!

My daily expense for a single guy is higher than it should be.  That part I have to keep working on to get it down.  I don’t think I should be spending $450+ a month for myself to eat.  I should be able to get that down a lot lower.  I’m still learning so we will see.

I’m still eating a lot of fruit and veggies throughout the day but that includes Subway sandwiches and salads from different places I eat.  No burgers…not much pizza (maybe a time  month).  No fries.  No Soda.  I’m trying to stay away from all grease and saturated fat items.  I still mess up from time to time but I’m getting more consistent on staying aware.

I mainly drink coffee, water, and beer 😉 I’m over 21 and I won’t drive drunk nor supply to a minor.

I do drink some gatorade during and after playing racquetball as I sweat a lot when on the court and lose a lot of electrolytes.

Organic Milk and healthy cereal and peanut butter and jelly on healthy bread are a few of my regular favorites.   By healthy I mean as healthy as cereal and bread can be without being the most expensive.  I shop at Krogers so I’m always looking for their organic stuff to be on sale.  Which is regularly.

I’m still working on my diet.  I’m trying to keep it as inexpensive as possible. I’m always on the go so I don’t have time to learn how to cook.

I’m on the go all day long and I need a lot of energy and I have to stay aware as the day fly’s bye.  A good heatlthy diet with a good exercise routine will help me live a longer healthier life.  I honestly do believe that.

No matter how busy I am, exercise is included.  I’ll always find a way to play racquetball, pickleball, run, or do something that gets my heart racing for a good 30 minutes or more a day.