Archive for hungry

Day Two of Detox Diet

Posted in Health and Fitness, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on July 7, 2009 by coachmannybb

I made it through the second day of my Detox diet of fruits and veggies.

I found day 2 to be harder than day 1.  I was craving pizza all day.

To be honest, I even found myself thinking…”pizza today start diet tomorrow”.  I was strong and made it through it.

I think my biggest problem was I went too long without eating.  It seems like I have to keep small portions continually going into my system to stay away from the hunger feelings.  When I have the hungry feelings that is when even McDonalds looks and sounds good.

I did add some citrus to my diet as I did drink some orange juice.  I ate mostly bananas, apples, salad, and plenty of water.  A lot of bathroom breaks at Starbucks.

In day 3 I will be sure to keep small portions coming into my system in hopes of staying away from those hungry feelings.

My biggest downfall is the fact I’m terrible in the kitchen.  For me, I just have to be able to grab it, rinse it off and stuff it in my mouth.  I like dressing with my salad but now…i’m not even going to bother.  Hand full, rinse, eat.  That is my routine.

With my diet, I am working out doing 6 minute abs along with push ups and I’m getting ready to start my 90 day P90X program.

One huge benefit I am finding after two days is the money I am saving.

As a single guy, I am not buying a bunch of food for two.  I am not even averaging $10 a day on food.  That is good for me who can easily blow through over $20 a day to eat.

Day 2 is complete and 19 days to go.

Coach Manny